Iceland Funds

Iceland Funds ltd. is the first and one of the largest Icelandic fund management company, established in 1994. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Íslandsbanki and is supervised by the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority (FME). The company provides investments offering for individuals, companies, municipalities, pension funds and other institutional investors.

Iceland Funds operates 23 UCITS and AIF for retail investors including bond funds, equity funds and balanced tactical asset allocation funds in addition to alternative investment funds. The company has approximately ISK 345 billion in assets under management. Furthermore, Iceland Funds offers asset management services and investment advisory to institutional investors.

Iceland Funds Ltd. is a management company  licensed to operate UCITS funds in accordance with of Act No. 116/2021 on Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and Alternative Investsment Funds (AIF) in accordance with of Act No. 45/2020 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers . Additionally, the company is licensed to operate management of portfolios of investments (discretionary asset management) and  investment advisory.

The company employs 23 investment professionals with extensive experience in fund management and financial markets. The managing director of Iceland Funds is Kjartan Smári Höskuldsson and the Chairman of the Board is Sylvia Kristin Olafsdottir. All board members are independent.